The purpose of this program is to assess the elements of entrepreneurship – which typically include training, mentoring and advising, and material supports – to better understand the impacts.
Strengthen the Black Business community and its economic outcomes through the BACEL Training Program. Provide supports and approaches that address systemic barriers such as access to capital, access to networks, and skill gaps.
Who is BACEL for?
BACEL is a nationwide program for all Black entrepreneurs who need additional business and life skills training. This non-traditional entrepreneurship program takes an intersectional lens to meet the needs of:
- Women and gender diverse people
- Low-income Canadians
- Official Language Minority Communities (OLMCs)
- People with disabilities
- Other groups who are marginalized
- Provide access to skills, networking and mentorship for 400-plus Black entrepreneurs over 20 months to strengthen the Black business community.
- Meet the emerging business and life skills development needs of Black businesses across Canada.
- Support and address identified barriers such as access to capital and networks, and skills gaps, among others.
- Develop a robust training program aimed at closing the achievement gap and helping Black entrepreneurs grow and succeed.
- Run a nation-wide online training program with skilled, professional course facilitators and instructors.
- Develop and conduct a thorough evaluation process to program effectiveness and generate an evidence-based model of entrepreneurship training.

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to participate in the BACEL Training program?
This training program is open to all Black entrepreneurs of all backgrounds, demographics, genders, and capabilities.
What is the purpose of the BACEL Program?
The purpose of this program is to assess the elements of entrepreneurship – which typically include training, mentoring and advising, and material supports – to better understand the impacts.
Does BACEL cost anything to participate?
This training program is free for all qualifying applicants. The BBPA received funding from the Government of Canada’s Future Skill Centre (FSC) for the BACEL Training Program.
Is there an age requirement?
BACEL is open to Black entrepreneurs 16 years of age or older.
Are there any business requirements?
There are no business requirements except the desire to gain additional skills, knowledge and training.
How is BACEL structured?
To ensure we meet the needs of Black entrepreneurs at every business stage, there are four distinct streams under the BACEL Programs – Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, Master Class, Loan Readiness and Academy.
Is the BACEL program open to other marginalized groups?
This program is intended for entrepreneurs who identify as Black, African, African Canadian or Afro-Caribbean.
Is it only coursework or will there be opportunities for the application of skills?
BACEL will include coursework, mentorship, advice and support. There may additional be opportunities for participants to use their skills through competitions, internships or volunteering.
How will those who are differently abled be supported?
To start, BACEL will be offered as an online training course so the need for differently abled supports will be minimal. If we move to a combined online/classroom delivery model, we will take all necessary steps to ensure differently abled supports are in place.
Who are the BACEL Program’s project partners?
The BBPA is working with the Toronto Metropolitan University’s Diversity Institute and Future Skills Centre (FSC) to establish, run and evaluate the BACEL Training Program.
How is BACEL Funded?
BACEL is funded by the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Centre (FSC). FSC invested $1.5 million in the program.
Why did Future Skills Centre (FSC) choose to fund BACEL?
FSC is investing in various projects and sector-based initiatives that engage industry associations, employers, and others to analyze future labour market needs and design comprehensive skills development approaches to address those needs.
What is the Future Skills Centre (FSC)?
FSC is a forward-thinking centre for research and collaboration dedicated to preparing Canadians for employment success. FSC believes Canadians should feel confident about the skills they have to succeed in a changing workforce. As a pan-Canadian community, they collaborate to rigorously identify, test, measure, and share innovative approaches to assessing and developing the skills Canadians need to thrive in the days and years ahead. The FSC was founded by a consortium whose members are Toronto Metropolitan University, Blueprint, and The Conference Board of Canada, and is funded by the Government of Canada.
What is the Diversity Institute?
The Diversity Institute conducts and coordinates multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder research to address the needs of diverse Canadians, the changing nature of skills and competencies, and the policies, processes and tools that advance economic inclusion and success. Their action-oriented, evidence-based approach is advancing knowledge of the complex barriers faced by underrepresented groups, leading practices to effect change and producing concrete results.
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